Full sensorization of an aircraft fleet, enabling an in-depth knowledge of its structural condition;
Define a numerical methodology for the evaluation of the structural condition of aircrafts, in view of maintenance plans optimization and life extension of the aircraft fleet;
Relate the operational loads (OLM) of aircraft with structural damage and lifetime consumption of critical components;
Integrate the methodologies and numerical tools developed in the structural health management platform PRODDIATM Aero.
Develop and implement numerical methods for structural damage assessment and prognosis tools of the structural condition of critical components;
Intensively Monitored Aircrafts (IMA) enable to establish the relation (transfer function) between mission loading profile and stress at pre-selected critical components. Mission loading profiles, obtained for the Less instrumented Aircrafts (LIA), are mapped to stress, through the application of transfer functions, enabling the “virtualization” of strain sensors and the output of stress transients at pin-pointed structural hotspots.
The sensorization scheme considered for the LIA and IMA aircrafts, together with the numerical methods implement, allow to output mission loading profiles, asses the loading severity of each mission and respective life consumption for each aircraft.
Structural hotspots were numerically verified to validate the positioning of strain-gauges, ensuring the extraction of mission data in zones where it is more probable to be precursors of fracture due to a more severe loading conditions. In this context, material behaviour was duly characterized, namely the fracture propagation dynamics, with the material samples being excited with loading conditions obtained directly from flight missions.